Monday, May 11, 2015

donate for Plant a Tree with WLT

Plant a Tree with WLT

Former WLT staff member Rebecca Absalom monitoring tree planting in the Jorupe reserve ©  WLT
When World Land Trust (WLT) has helped a partner organisation create a protected nature reserve, it is sometimes necessary to use tree planting to restore forests lost prior to purchase or to reconnect areas of forest habitat.
Currently WLT is working with Fundación Jocotoco in Ecuador to plant trees in the Jorupe Reserve.
In previous years WLT has planted native trees to extend theAtlantic Rainforest in Brazil, working with Reserva Ecológica de Guapi Assu (REGUA).
In the future, tree planting supported by WLT may be extended to further partner organisations in other countries.

Project aim

The aim of the Plant a Tree appeal is to support planting of native trees to reconnect fragmented habitat and provide additional food sources for bird and animal populations.
Fundación Jocotoco’s Jorupe Reserve is located at the very southern tip of Ecuador, close to the Peruvian border and protects an important part of Tumbesian dry forest.
The forests of this region are some of the most species rich on Earth but are also some of the most threatened, with less than 5 per cent of the original forest remaining.
Jorupe Reserve protects around 2,965 acres (1,200 hectares) of deciduous forest, which is home to many threatened and endemic species of plants and animals.

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